Here’s your back-to-school checklist to make sure your child is ready for a healthy start to the school year!
Schedule your child’s annual physical with his/her physician:
- Ensure all immunizations are up to date and meet the school’s requirements
- Have your child’s vision and hearing checked
- Obtain a sports physical if necessary
Be sure to inform the school about any allergies your child has, medications your child takes, and injuries your child may have suffered over the summer.
Prepare your child for success at school by ensuring that he/she eats whole grains, lean protein, fruits, and vegetables, and that he/she drinks plenty of water!
About 1 to 2 weeks before school starts, begin transitioning to a routine that enables your child to get approximately 9 or more hours of sleep (check with your child’s physician for the amount that is appropriate for your child’s age).
Turn off cell phones and tablets well before bedtime to enable your child to fall asleep faster. Set screen-time rules in advance so your child knows what to expect.
Create a distraction-free workspace at home that encourages a consistent homework routine.
Remind your child of all safety issues when entering/exiting busses, walking/biking to school, or exiting cars at school.
When it comes to school supplies, be sure to buy a backpack with a padded back and straps, and encourage your child to use both straps in order to avoid back pain.
Try to decrease school anxiety by making sure your child knows his/her schedule, discussing your child’s feelings about returning to school (especially if it’s a new school), and addressing any concerns about peer pressure and bullying.
Please contact our office today for your child’s annual physical or other health needs!
The content provided in our website blogs is offered for informational purposes only, and it should not be considered as the practice of medicine or medical advice regarding the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition or disease. You should consult with a medical professional if you have any questions regarding a condition or disease in relation to your specific healthcare needs. If you feel that you are experiencing a medical emergency, please contact 911 immediately.